This past weekend was the first time we played Warmachine/Hordes in a public forum. We traveled to our NLGS (not-so-local-gaming-store) about 50 minutes away to play in a Domination Release event. I had a great time and got to play with some new people with different styles of play that I hadn't experienced yet. I also faced some new factions that I'd never seen before. Up until now, I'd played my Circle and Cygnar with Protectorate, Cryx, Legion, and Trollbloods. I went into it expecting that we were playing for points and needed a 35pt army, according to modified Domination event rules. However, due to turnout and people's army composition, the event was changed to a 15pt tournament. This had some impact that I'll get into below. Overall, it was a blast and I'm planning to go back in two weeks for some more casual games.
Event Prep:
Event Prep:
Here's a picture of the additional guys I painted for the event. The plan was to add another 20 pts to the 15pt army I already had. Most of the painting took place the week between Christmas and New Year's. I had the whole week off and painted for a good three days of that. It was a luxury that I won't have again in the for-seeable future and I really enjoyed it.
It turned out that we only played 15 point games. Of the guys above, I did get to use the Gobbers and Shifting Stone UA. Also, I won't have to stress about getting to 35 pts again... in this faction.
The event also called for some bring-your-own terrain in the form of boulders. The ones below were made from 3 pieces of 1/2" insulation sandwiched together with construction adhesive. I covered them with spackle, then epoxied them to the 50mm bases. A little dry-brushing after that and they were done. Total time, about an hour.
The Army:
I ended up bringing mostly the Circle starter warpack with a few exceptions.[00] Kaya the Wildborne (0 / 6 WB)
[09] >> Feral Warpwolf
[04] >> Argus
[04] >> Gorax
[02] Shifting Stones
[01] >> Stone Keeper
[01] Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
I replaced an Argus with a Gorax for the empty hands and added the stones and UA, and the gobbers. The stones and gobbers worked out well, but I didn't get much more utility out of Gorax. I never used his animus and there was nothing to throw with his hands. I should have brought the other argus for his paralyze spray.
The Games:
played three 15pt games using the Domination event scenario. Instead
of using the deeds to score points, we played a standard tournament. I played Cryx the first game, Legion the second, and Skorne for the last game. I won out against Cryx by scenario points but lost to Legion and Skorne from caster assassinations. Legion, running non-epic Thagrosh, pelted me with ranged attacks from his winged beast. Skorn, running the new Domination caster, ran into melee with Kaya and spent 7 attacks killing her. The Games:
Sweet paint jobs.